99 nama
1 - Allah ﷲ
2 - Ar-Raḥmān الرحمن
The Exceedingly Compassionate, The Exceedingly Beneficent, The Exceedingly Gracious
3 - Ar-Raḥīm الرحيم
The Exceedingly Merciful
4 - Al-Malik الملك
The King
5 - Al-Quddūs القدوس
The Holy, The Pure, The Perfect
6 - As-Salām السلام
The Peace, The Source of Peace and Safety, The Savior
7 - Al-Mu'min المؤمن
The Guarantor, The Affirming
8 - Al-Muhaymin المهيمن
The Guardian
9 - Al-'Azīz العزيز
The Almighty, The Invulnerable, The Honorable
10 - Al-Jabbār الجبار
The Irresistible, The Compeller, The Lofty
11 - Al-Mutakabbir المتكبر
The Majestic, The Supreme
12 - Al-Khāliq الخالق
The Creator
13 - Al-Bāri' البارئ
The Evolver, The Fashioner, The Designer
14 - Al-Muṣawwir المصور
The Fashioner of Forms
15 - Al-Ghaffār الغفار
The Repeatedly Forgiving
16 - Al-Qahhār القهار
The Subduer
17 - Al-Wahhāb الوهاب
The Bestower
18 - Ar-Razzāq الرزاق
The Provider
19 - Al-Fattāḥ الفتاح
The Opener, The Victory Giver
20 - Al-'Aleem العليم
The All Knowing, The Omniscient
21 - Al-Qābiḍ القابض
The Restrainer, The Straightener
22 - Al-Bāsiṭ الباسط
The Extender / Expander
23 - Al-Khāfiḍ الخَافِض
The Abaser
24 - Ar-Rāfi' الرافع
The Exalter
25 - Al-Mu'izz المعز
The Giver of Honour
26 - Al-Mudhill المذل
The Giver of Dishonour
27 - As-Samī' السميع
The All Hearing
28 - Al-Baṣīr البصير
The All Seeing
29 - Al-Ḥakam الحكم
The Judge, The Arbitrator
30 - Al-'Adl العدل
The Utterly Just
31 - Al-Laṭīf اللطيف
The Gentle, The Subtly Kind
32 - Al-Khabeer الخبير
The All Aware
33 - Al Haleem الحليم
The Forbearing, The Indulgent
34 - Al-'Aẓeem العظيم
The Magnificent
35 - Al Ghafūr الغفور
The Much-Forgiving
36 - Ash-Shakūr الشكور
The Grateful
37 - Al-'Alīy العلي
The Sublime
38 - Al-Kabīr الكبير
The Great
39 - Al-Ḥafeeẓ الحفيظ
The Preserver
40 - Al-Muqeet المقيت
The Nourisher
41 - Al-Ḥaseeb الحسيب
The Bringer of Judgment
42 - Al-Jalīl الجليل
The Majestic
43 - Al-Karīm الكريم
The Bountiful, The Generous
44 - Ar-Raqīb الرقيب
The Watchful
45 - Al-Mujīb المجيب
The Responsive, The Answer
46 - Al-Wāsi' الواسع
The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent, The Boundless
47 - Al-Ḥakīm الحكيم
The Wise
48 - Al-Wadūd الودود
The Loving
49 - Al-Majīd المجيد
All-Glorious, The Majestic
50 - Al-Bā'ith الباعث
The Resurrecter
51 - Ash-Shahīd الشهيد
The Witness
52 - Al-Ḥaqq الحق
The Truth, The Real
53 - Al-Wakīl الوكيل
The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate
54 - Al-Qawwīy القوي
The Strong
55 - Al-Matīn المتين
The Firm, The Steadfast
56 - Al-Walīy الولي
The Friend, Patron and Helper
57 - Al-Ḥamīd الحميد
The All Praiseworthy
58 - Al-Muḥṣīy المحصي
The Accounter, The Numberer of All
59 - Al-Mubdi' المبدئ
The Originator, The Producer, The Initiator
60 - Al-Mu'īd المعيد
The Restorer, The Reinstater Who Brings Back All
61 - Al-Muḥyīy المحيي
The Giver of Life
62 - Al-Mumīt المميت
The Destroyer, The Bringer of Death
63 - Al-Ḥayy الحي
The Living
64 - Al-Qayyūm القيوم
The Subsisting, The Guardian
65 - Al-Wājid الواجد
The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing
66 - Al-Mājid الماجد
The Illustrious, The Magnificent
67 - Al-Wāḥid الواحد
The One, The Unique
68 - Aṣ-Ṣamad الصمد
The Eternal, The Absolute, The Self-Sufficient
69 - Al-Qādir القادر
The Omnipotent, The All Able
70 - Al-Muqtadir المقتدر
The Determiner, The Dominant
71 - Al-Muqaddim المقدم
The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward
72 - Al-Mu'akhkhir المؤخر
The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away
73 - Al-'Awwal الأول
The First, The Beginning-less
74 - Al-'Akhir الأخر
The Last, The Endless
75 - Aẓ-Ẓāhir الظاهر
The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer
76 - Al-Bāṭin الباطن
The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner
77 - Al-Wālīy الوالي
The Patron, The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord
78 - Al-Muta'ālīy المتعالي
The Supremely Exalted, The Most High
79 - Al-Barr البر
The Good
80 - At-Tawwāb التواب
The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting
81 - Al-Muntaqim المنتقم
The Avenger
82 - Al-'Afūw العفو
The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver
83 - Ar-Ra'ūf الرؤوف
The Kind, The Pitying
84 - Mālik-ul-Mulk مالك الملك
The Owner of all Sovereignty
85 - Dhū-l-Jalāli wa-l-'ikrām ذو الجلال والإكرام
The Lord of Majesty and Generosity
86 - Al-Muqsiţ المقسط
The Equitable, The Requiter
87 - Al-Jāmi' الجامع
The Gatherer, The Unifier
88 - Al-Ghanīy الغني
The Rich, The Independent
89 - Al-Mughnīy المغني
The Enricher, The Emancipator
90 - Al-Māni' المانع
The Withholder, The Shielder, The Defender
91 - Aḍ-Ḍārr الضار
The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor
92 - An-Nāfi' النافع
The Propitious, The Benefactor, The Source of Good
93 - An-Nūr النور
The Light
94 - Al-Hādīy الهادي
The Guide, The Way
95 - Al-Badī' البديع
The Incomparable, The Unattainable
96 - Al-Bāqīy الباقي
The Immutable, The Infinite, The Everlasting
97 - Al-Wārith الوارث
The Heir, The Inheritor of All
98 - Ar-Rashīd الرشيد
The Guide to the Right Path
99 - Aṣ-Ṣabūr الصبور
The Timeless, The Patient